On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:54:19 -0800 (PST), deepak suldhal
> When I use IE and try to access localhost
> I get
> http://kd.mysearch.myway.com/jsp/GGmain.jsp?PG=SEAS&SEC=ABONE&ptnrS=KD&st=addr&searchfor=localhost:8080
> I have been posting this error mail since many days
> and want to know how should I solve this.
> This is really irritating to see some junk pages every
> time I want to access localhost.

mysearch must be set as your default search engine through spyware or
whatever... are you typing just localhost:8080? MSIE gets confused by
that as it thinks the : is the : in http:// so you need to type
http://localhost:8080, if you are typing that and still getting the
error then it means that Tomcat isn't starting up for some reason or

Jason Bainbridge
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