Why do you want your classes outside of Tomcat? Copy the classes to your project when you build and eliminate the dependency. Or better yet, use a build environment like Ant to do the copying for you. As a bonus, it'll catch errors before you get to production and the webapp will be more portable.


Dan wrote:

Classpath problem.  Really frustrating.

I'm trying to duplicate a setup on system A to system B and can't get it working. My problem is when I access the JSP page, Tomcat complains of a ClassNotFound exception. This happens with all of my custom classes. If I create a simple JSP page with no custom classes the JSP compiles fine.

When I manually execute the class via "java com.xxx.MyClass" it responds appropriately (my environment's CLASSPATH includes the custom library paths).

My custom classes live outside of the Tomcat directory (see below) because I use these classes in other non-web based applications, so they need to be available system wide.

I have melted my brain today trying to figure out why system A works with this configuration but system B gives me the ClassNotFound exception. I have even copied my entire Tomcat directory from system A to system B with no change. I thought perhaps I was starting the service with additional parameters but I don't see any in the registry settings.

Does anyone have an educated guess as to why I can't get this thing to work the way it's working on the other system and/or how I can get this working with my custom classes OUTSIDE of Tomcat.

Win2K SP4
Tomcat v5.0.27 as NT Service

e:\java\sdk     (JDK 1.4.2)
e:\java\library\custom\      (custom libraries)
e:\java\library\basic       (libraries from other sources)

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