
I have put struts.jar in the WEB-INF\lib and also added the mapping for action in web.xml
I had downloaded the jakarta-struts-1.2.4-lib.tar.gz but it did not contain any blank application as you have mentioned.
Please tell me where i can find the blank application ....


Antony Paul wrote:

You put the struts.jar and related files in WEB-INF\lib directory of
your application ?. Added mapping in web.xml for ActionServlet ?.
Better you you use Struts blank application which is bundled with
Struts download.

Antony Paul

On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 14:43:46 +0530, VTR Ravi Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello all,

I am getting a error message as follows

2005-03-03 14:26:51 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:27:25 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:27:30 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:28:17 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:28:30 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:28:33 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:28:34 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:28:36 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:28:36 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:28:36 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:28:37 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:30:30 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable
2005-03-03 14:35:08 StandardWrapperValve[action]: Servlet action is
currently unavailable

I am trying to execute a small struts example given in "Mastering tomcat
developement" by Perter Harrison.
package action;
import bean.Dept;
import org.apache.struts.action.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class ListDepartmentsAction extends Action {
  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
          ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest request,
          HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception{

      return mapping.findForward("listing");


My jsp....
<%@ taglib uri="logic" prefix="logic"%>
<%@ taglib uri="bean" prefix="bean"%>
<body bgcolor=yellow>
<logic:iterate id="dept" name="departments">
<tr><td><bean:write name="dept" />Herro</td></tr>
</ body>

Any help in this regard will be greatly helpful..


VTR Ravi Kumar, Sr.Engineer,ITX, BHEL, Hardwar - 249403, India
Fax no. 0091-1334 - 223948, Ph. No. 0091-1334-285260 / 285405

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VTR Ravi Kumar, Sr.Engineer,ITX, BHEL, Hardwar - 249403, India
Fax no. 0091-1334 - 223948, Ph. No. 0091-1334-285260 / 285405

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