OK, thanks to your vote of confidence in the method, I dug further and
discovered that my WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties was never being
found. If I put the log4j.properties into the same jar (in
WEB-INF/lib) with the class that was instantiating the Logger, it
worked correctly.

That's extremely odd. What version of Tomcat are you running? That's a bug
because WEB-INF/classes should be put in the classpath before jars in

This is 5.5.7, with the 1.4 compatibility package on MacOS. I've experienced similar issues before with different tomcat versions, though I had forgotten that in this case..

Note I do NOT unpack the app from a war, just copy the full hierarchy straight under webapps. Also, the WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties file was a symblic link. Maybe one of these makes a difference?

It turns out it WAS the symbolic link. I get the following results:

- symbolic link, relative (e.g., WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties -> resources/log4j.properties): not found

- symbolic link, absolute (e.g., WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties -> /usr/java/tomcat/webapps/foo/WEB-INF/classes/resources/log4j.properties - OR - regular file: found and prevents common/classes/log4j.properties from being found (tomcat-general stuff goes into webapp's log file)

- file in jar with class that instantiates Logger: both tomcat's (common/classes/) and webapp's log4j.properties are found and heeded

Sorry about the bother if this is just standard knowledge of how tomcat operates on Unix.

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