The 5.5 jndi resource has all of the attributes for
the data source in one element, like this:


<Resource name="jdbc/myoracle" auth="Container"
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1521:mysid"
              username="scott" password="tiger"
maxActive="20" maxIdle="10"

Hope that fixes it.  Good luck,
- Ole  

--- Digby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just installed 5.5.7 and after a few teething
> problem (mainly the 
> logger and a few old resources), everything starts
> okay, the localhost 
> page is displaying and there are no problems
> reported in the logs.
> But... and I'm sure I'm doing something silly... I'm
> getting the 
> following error when accessing any db driven pages:
> Unable to get connection, DataSource invalid: 
> "org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException:
> Cannot create JDBC 
> driver of class '' for connect URL 'null'"
> Now, I have searched the web and the tomcat
> newsgroup archives, but it 
> all suggests the MySQL driver in the wrong place.
> I've put it in 
> tomcat/common/lib, the jre/lib/ext, server/lib,
> shared/lib, all 
> individually and in all combinations, but it just
> won't work.
> I just copied my 5.0.28 config files over to my
> 5.5.7 installation, so 
> is there something I would need to change that i
> haven't read about?
> Also, my "root" context doesn't work at root level
> any more. I've tried 
> a context path of "" and "/", but neither work.
> Again, has something 
> changed in 5.5?
> Any help would be welcome.
> Digby
> PS I'll post the log files, but I can't get at the
> machine at the moment.
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