Use CVS for version control. (or any version control)

Write a script which
- Checks out from CVS the version tagged for production
- Builds and precompiles the webapp
- Copies the webapp to production
- Restarts the webapp (or tomcat)

*Always build your production webapp from a CVS tagged revision.*

If the build machine is different from production, works great for FTP syncing files.


Ben Kim wrote:
What is the common practice to handle file sync between development server
and production server? Is there a trivial way in netbeans to upload the
files as frequently as I would, just by saving it locally, without using
the version control systems or uploading through the manager/html page?

Is it possible to mount a remote directory (sftp, hopefully) like a local


Ben Kim
Database Developer/Systems Administrator
434E Harrington Tower / College of Education Texas A&M University

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