Hi all,

Lately, I have set up Tomcat 5.5.7 on Slackware Linux 9.1.
I have configured four virtual hosts for me and my workmates.
We develop a few web apps with Struts, Torque, Velocity, etc.
Application base directories, scratch directories and tomcat logs
are located on NFS share.
Common approach is edit source, compile, reload web app with
org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask, look at browser time and again.

But about two-five times per day, Tomcat hangs up,
java (version is 1.5.0_01-b08) eats much cpu (up to 90%),
and no any response from Tomcat, no warnings/errors in logs.
I even can't stop it with shutdown.sh!

Have anyone the same problem? Any solutions, advices, thoughts?


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