Well I still can't seem to get this server running on my vps. They show that they have no limits that would keep me from running this. It's a RH 9 machine and I put the "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1" in the catalina.sh. I can't seem to even keep one running. I'm using jdk1.5.0_02. The only error I've found it here http://www.codedemons.net/pb/?show=2963 , but I don't see this error anymore. Does that have anything to do with the export of that variable? Anyway, I need serious help. I just can't seem to figure out why if won't stay running. I've got it where it will run for maybe an hour or so, but that's it. I think I'm going to start from scratch on it.

Stanczak Group wrote:

I'm having a strange issue with my Tomcat 5 server. I have two instances of Tomcat 5 running on my VPS system I pay for. For some reason just the Tomcat services just stop. I can't find any errors that tell me why it just stops. This is the fifth time I've re-started them today. The systems are running RedHat. I'm at a loss trying to understand why these services just stop. One of them has a startup script so if the machine reboots it should start back up. I start the service with -Xmx64m -server and I'm using jdk 1.5.0_01. The history of this problem is that the last few days has been the worse, but it's had these shutdown issues from the start. One of the services has a cron that shuts down one of the services and erased the web app the copies a fresh one back, not sure that matters in this issue. If anyone has had this problem or has suggestions on solving it please let me know.

-- Justin Stanczak Stanczak Group 812-735-3600

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke

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