This is probably by design. This sort of information can be useful to an

If you want to implement this yourself possible starting points would be
 overriding the relevant methods of org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm
or extending org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase




I'm trying to use a Novell LDAP server, and let it manage the Passwords
instead of my webapp. Unfortunately I've found that the JNDIRealm doesn't
tell me the reason of the failure when authenticating a user.

In this case I cannot know where to redirect in the Novell portal ( Forgot
Password or Password Expired functions - depending on the LDAP exception
captured). since I'm new to authentication in Tomcat, can you tell me what
is/are the best way to start implementing a Custom Realm that return to the
application the trapped exception, in order to redirect to the correct
Novell Function.

Thanks in advance..


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