You need to setup the user in the database. If you log into the database and switch to the mysql database. The do a select * from users you will see the users are defined with either localhost, %, or an IP. You will need to have the javauser setup to use the % (anywhere) or better the IP of the Tomcat machine.

OR the user does not have rights to the database you are trying to access.


----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 7:58 AM
Subject: problem configuring context resource in Tomcat 5.0 for mysql connector/j

Im having problems with setting up a database connection pool with mysql

I follow the example code in the how-twos. My problem is that Tomcat seems to
pickup my resource and its parameters (kind of)! I would like to connect to a
database that is not on localhost. So in the url paremeter I use:



However, when I run the test example I get:

Access denied for user: 'javauser@<Tomcat_Machine_IP_address>' (Using password:

When I replace the IP address with duff text ie. "blahblah" I then get the error
that blahblah is a n unknownhost exception, which I expect.

This is driving me bonkers and I bet its something simple, I just cant see

I have been reading many articles on the net and I have tried a variety of
combinations but to no success! Arrhh!


1) Im using the mysql connector/j drivers
2) Using Tomcat 5.0
3) On windows XP (Dev!) which will be deployed to redhat eventually!
4) Using the example on the Tomcat website, I moved the context out of:
CATALINA_HOME\conf\server.xml to:
CATALINA_HOME\conf\Catalina\localhost\DBTest.xml it behaves the same in both

Many thanks in advance.

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