I'm running into a particular problem running web services off of tomcat
in our production environment.  It seems that our client is requesting
services from us at the exact time that Tomcat is being "rejacked".
Tomcat seems to be accepting the connection quickly, but doesn't respond
to it for another 25 seconds or so.  Are my observations correct?  Does
Tomcat open its sockets before it can physically handle the request?  If
so, is there some way to configure tomcat to open the sockets just prior
to having all web applications loaded?  I'm working on a 15 second
processing time window, and if Tomcat accepts the request and waits 25
seconds before passing it along to my code to process it, then I've
already burnt my 15 seconds.

Any help would be appreciated.

Here is my current environment:
- Tomcat: 4.1.30
- JDK: 1.4.2_06

Jeremy Nix
Senior Application Developer
Southwest Financial Services, LTD.
(513) 621-6699 x1158

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