> Chris,
>    When running top you can toggle displaying
> individual threads by hitting
> H.
>    Also, you can see threads using ps with the -m
> switch.
> Jim T.

OK thanks, that is useful for visibility into threads
vs processes.  But I would think that if the CPU usage
in "top" is 50% when one tomcat is running under load
in a 2 CPU machine, and 100% when 2 or more tomcats
are running under load, that it means only one CPU is
being used for each tomcat...  also, "top" shows which
CPU has what load, and only one of them is all used up
when total it is at 50%, and the other is 0%...  so if
we can get to 100% CPU usage on both CPUs with one
tomcat running under load, that would be great.  
Regards, Chris

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