> From: "Frank W. Zammetti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:59 AM

> Hi Paul,
> No, I don't know of any changes... I'm actually wondering if this is a
> restriction the latest servlet spec places on objects in session... I
> tend to doubt Tomcat would be imposing such a restriction unless the
> spec indicated such a restriction... I myself might learn something
> here! :)  Does anyone reading this know a definitive answer?

Conceptually, I guess someone could have changed the session to require
serialization. Perhaps they did this to handle the new "cluster/failover"
aware sessions.

Tomcat has different session managers. A simple one that happily consumes
heap until you run out, a more sophisticated version that funnels old
sessions to disk and reloads them on demand, and then the failover aware

But, even the generic base version would try to persist session between

Finally, if you're having issues, you can always wrap you non-serialized
items into a class that IS serializable, and either simply lie (so that if
it actually TRIES to serialize it, it will fail and throw an exception), or
mark the fields as transient so they won't serialize.

There's also the option of digging deep into the Tomcat source code and just
"fixing" it and remove that limitation, but that's rather drastic.


Will Hartung

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