Hi Stanislav,

Stanislav Bauer schrieb:
> I have now a config that seams to work but:
> 1) I have a second domain pointing to the same IP, say www.domain2.com
> 2) I put JkMount /domain/* worker1 into <IfModule mod_jk.c>, where I
> have also JkWorkersFile aso
> 3) Now if I write www.domain2.com/domain I get the right reaction
> But how to configure that www.domain.com works the same I realy dont
> know, ie a Virtual Host.
> I thought it must be something like this, maybe some more directives:
> <VirtualHost>
>     ServerName www.domain.com
>     JkMount <somthing here, but what?> worker1
> </VirtualHost>

Unfortunately, I don't know enough about your full Apache configuration,
but if it works with one domain, it should be no problem to make it work
for a second.

Do you have a second virtual host for the second domain? If so, why don't
you remove the virtual host for the first domain and define the first
domain as ServerAlias for the virtual host of the second domain?

Best wishes


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