hihi all,

i've read the class loader how-to and also searched the archives but
haven't found any answers for my current problem -- which is that my
application-specific jars (under WEB-INF/lib) don't seem to get loaded
at all.

for instance, i have ojdbc14.jar (Oracle JDBC API) under WEB-INF/lib
but i get ClassDefNotFoundExceptions when my app is trying to establish
its connection pool.

but when i place the ojdbc14.jar under common/lib my app can establish
the connection pool.

there are other jars in my WEB-INF/lib like common-beanutils.jar and
such that are also not being loaded (i get same run-time errors when
accessing jsps in my app).

does anyone have any suggestion as to why my WEB-INF/lib folder seems
to be ignored?

the jars in WEB-INF/lib got loaded fine in Tomcat 4.1.29 and i'm in the
process of upgrading it to Tomcat 5.5.9.

thanks in advance,

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