Simple question, but it's driving me nuts. I really don't want to get into the whole web service business - all I need is for a servlet to be the recipient of its own request. Or - in other words - can a servlet act like a web browser - just without the GUI?

Use case:

- Servlet issues https request to an outside server (via getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(https://www.someoutsideserver/) )
- Outside server processes request and responds with POST response (also via https).
- Servlet [somehow] is able to be the recipient of the response.
- Servlet parses the response and stores data to the database.


- The servlet is not the default servlet on that tomcat instance.
- Everything happens via https and I expect the outside server will listen on 443 and tomcat on 8443

ANY suggestions would be very helpful - this seems to be a tricky one.



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