
Have been a long time user of TC, but first time poster.  

I am running 5.0.28 on OS X with PostgreSQL and Struts and connecting
to Apache using mod_jk.  I have a webapp deployed that is pretty
mature.  However, I am having some mysterious crashes of Tomcat that I
haven't been able to get my head around.  The whole process is dying
w/o so much as a peep.  Not one single log/exception is being written
anywhere (as far as I know) that gives even the most remote clue as to
why and I am at a loss for how to get at the problem.

Here is what I have done to date:
1. Put a catch (Throwable) with a log message at my top level part of
the servlet that logs the exception and then throws it out.

2. I have turned on DEBUG level logging for every piece of the application

3. I have set debug="1" everywhere I could in server.xml

Anyone have any suggestions on what else to do for debugging this? 
Part of me feels that it might be JDBC related as I am not using the
Tomcat JNDI lookup methods for getting connections (but am managing a
pool myself).  Should I be using the JNDI lookup methods for getting
connections?  My only other guess was that it seems to happen after it
has been running for a little while and I thought it might have
something to do with the session timeout stuff, but I can't see why
that would cause the process to exit.

Is there some app that people use to make sure the server stays up by
checking it every so often and restarting if needed?

Thanks for any advice,

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