Bill Barker wrote:

"Nikola Milutinovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- setup catalina.policy
- run it with "-security" option

I'm on Windows XP, how do I enable security mode  for TC?

That's the idea. And, as a bonus, it works the same on Linux, Solaris, OS/X, .....

OK. I've realised that TC should handle security and now it works - on 5.0.19, imbeded in JBuilder.

Well, I meant ot say it partially works. This is what I have set:

All seams to work except, I get a class cast exception when I cast this:

Object obj = Naming.lookup( "//localhost/Search" );
SearchRMI search = (SearchRMI) obj;

The funny thing is, when I inspect the result from the JBuilder, it shows that obj is of a class SearchImpl_Stub, which implements SearchRMI interface.

I suspect I'm being hit with some RMI classloader issue, so my next question is:

Has anyone done this? And what am I doing wrong?


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