What Writer are you using? If you do response.getWriter() you will get a 
PrintWriter and the docs tell you that PrintWriter doesn't throw exceptions, so 
your app keeps printing to the writer after an error. (A closed connection is 
an IOException.)
If you use the default out property of a jsp page you get a JspWriter which 
does throw exeptions on error.


On Tue May 31 19:42:30 CEST 2005 Tomcat Users List 
<tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org> wrote:
Hey guys,

I have a problem right now. I wrote a Jsp page to keep sending data to client browser. However, no exception was thrown when I use out.print() to send something to client even after client has closed his web browser. My question is how can i know his browser is closed, so I can stop sending. Also, from the tomcat logs, the "reset by peer" socket exception was thrown by Tomcat. however, seems i don't have a way to catch it.

Can anybody help me with this one... I will be really thankful to any help from you.


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