Recently we have migrated our application from
jrun3.1 to tomcat 4.1.31 running on windows 2000
advanced server. It uses saxon 6.5.3 for xslt
processing and the cpu usage is almost 100% even for
15 concurrent users. So in order to do a simple load
test on the xslt part alone, I wrote a test jsp and
the cpu usage is almost 100% for 15 concurrent users
for a xsl file 106kb in size.
TransformerFactory factory =
    StreamSource source = new StreamSource(new
    Templates pss = factory.newTemplates(source);
    Transformer transformer = pss.newTransformer();
    ByteArrayInputStream temp = new
    source = new StreamSource(temp);
    StreamResult result = new
    transformer.transform(source, result);
  The cpu usage is at 60% for the same jsp page on the
 jrun 3.1 server. Can anybody provide me with pointers
to reduce cpu usage or has anyone who has faced a
similar scenario.
  Please let me know if I need to provide more inputs
as this is my first mail to the list.


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