> Is the path really correct? Is the webapp's directory really named
> "my_exec"?
> Try to use the absolute pathname of your webapp's directory, i. e.
> something like
> grant codeBase "file:/opt/tomcat-4.1/webapps/my_exec_or_whatever/-" ...
> Is the file really executable for the account tomcat runs under?
> Regards
>   mks

Excuse me for a moment. Now I have the trouble that I cannot restart Tomcat 
and so I had to reboot the whole system. Now tomcat start while the 
bootprocess but cannot be accessed over the browser. And I don't have a 
process called catalina nor tomcat !?!?! 

Gruss Christian

P.S. Tomorrow Im on university again, sh**** 

Christian Stalp
Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Tel.: 06131 / 17-3107

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