On Friday 08 July 2005 01:53, Luis Torres wrote:
> Hello Everyone, first post to the list  =)
> I have a test setup with Solaris 9, Apache 2.043, mod_jk and two tomcats
> (4.131 & JDK 1.5.0)
> To have the Tomcats handling the applications, first I used the
> following lines but the problem was that my jsp's where taken by tomcat
> but my images, css and other elements where served by apache, hence my
> images, styles, etc where not found by the server since they are all
> inside /webapps/app_name/images

Use JkAutoAlias /.../webapps or just use a standard Apache Alias directive to 
map the Apache <location> around the webapps <directory> [Not sure what the 
different between JkAutoAlias and plain Alias - I just use the former]

Note also I had to jkmount /*.do to get struts to work.

Alan Chandler

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