Hello all,

Im a bit new to Tomcat and interoperation with Apache thru mod_jk...

I seem to have most of it setup. Im running Apache 1.3.33 and Tomcat
5.5.9 on Solaris 10 x86

I'm trying to get .jsp scripts to run within directories of my choice,
rather than the default examples dir.

In httpd.conf Ive added:
LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so

Alias /jsp-examples "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/jsp-examples"
Alias /site "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/site"

JkWorkersFile "/usr/local/tomcat/conf/jk/workers.properties"
JkLogFile "/usr/local/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log"

JkLogLevel info

JkMount /jsp-examples/*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /site/*.jsp ajp13

and my workers.properties looks as so:


when i browse to http://localhost/jsp-examples everything works great,
this was the dir of examples that came packaged with tomcat

however, i created a new dir under webapps/ called site and placed a
test.jsp file
in there... when browsing to http://localhost/site/test.jsp i get an
HTTP Status 404 - /site/test.jsp "The requested resource
(/site/test.jsp) is not available."

If I move the test.jsp file to /jsp-examples folder, it runs! Why is
this? This is killing me, I know it can't be too complex... the
jsp-examples folder can run scripts but my newly created one cannot.
Is there a setting im missing?

Also, If i added the following line, could I run jsp's from anywhere
within my web doc tree:
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

Any help appreciated :)

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