You need to check on whether it is giving Outofmemory error is immediately after starting loadtesting with 1500 users or over period of time. If it is over period of time then you need to check whether there are any memory leaks. Or your design for ex., it might happen if you query db and that ends up resulting in huge number of rows.
BTW., what is the max number of threads you have configured?
and what is the active number of threads? Pbly u can use Performance-Valve to get such details.


srikanth peddireddy wrote:

Hi All,

Recently we started load testing our application using Jmeter.
Following error is coming in tomcat while test is run at higher loads like 1500 
virtual users etc


SEVERE: Caught exception (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError) executing org.apache.tomca
[EMAIL PROTECTED], terminating thread
Jun 30, 2005 3:13:53 PM 
org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable run


I already configured the Tomcat using -Xmx option to use upto 2GB of RAM 
(Tomcat is running on a 3GB RAM machine)

Any inputs or pointers to the related resources on this problem??


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