But I am on a linux box and I am unable to get it to start by using the socket. 
I set the socket to 8000 but it does not seem to work, JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 and 
JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket  is already set in catalina.sh, so I just run using 
catalina run jpda. And when I run tomcat it starts and after that nothing 
Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:From: "Jyothi Palvai" 
> I think I have tomcat running in debug mode on a linux, I did this by
running the
> "catalina run debug" command but I don't know the debug commands to run to
> get to start Tomcat, watch the variables, put debug points etc.

You appear to be asking how to use your debugger, which we can't answer
unless you tell us what you're using.

I use JSwat with the Tomcat, Struts and Commons source code available. All
I do is start Tomcat with 'catalina.bat jpda start'. On Windows, it
defaults to shared memory, and I see the following in the console:
Listening for transport dt_shmem at address: jdbconn

(IIRC, on Linux it defaults to the other option, involving a socket.) There
is some info here:

Wendy Smoak

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