I wasn't aware of Tomcat doing any caching of JSP pages... could be wrong, but 
are you sure it's Tomcat doing the caching, not a browser or proxy server?  You 
may want to look at the Expires, Cache-Control etc. headers that are being sent 
with your pages.

You can clear the compiled classes in the work dir if you want to force JSPs to be 
recompiled, but I've always found that Tomcat detects new JSPs itself (even with the 
Context set with reloadable="false").

Anything in WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib (basically anything picked up by the 
classloader) requires a restart or reload for changes to be detected.


Martyn George wrote:
Currently, I wish to make minor changes to web pages, and the like, associated with a production application without restarting Tomcat, and with minimal impact to users. These changes can be made, but are not immediately observable due to caching. Is there any command that can be issued to Tomcat so that changes can be immediately observed (e.g. a cache flush)?


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