> From: Ronald Klop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Ethernet uses packets of 1500 bytes, this includes some 
> headers. So if your html is smaller than about 1400 bytes 
> your are sending the same number of packets over your network 
> with or without compression.

Not entirely true, as for Internet use intermediate routers may have
their own Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU), and TCP tries to guess the MTU,
usually starting at a segment size of 576 bytes of payload and moving up
or down on a per-connection basis.  Finally, gigabit and above Ethernet
allow frame bursts and may allow larger frame sizes.

Unless you have only Ethernet between your server and your clients, with
no wide-area network segments, it's unwise to assume a packet size.
Even if you only have Ethernet, different OSs handle the TCP segment
size differently.

> If the performance of your application depends 
> on these small things you have a very efficient application. 
> ;-) I think you can better spend some time profiling the rest 
> of the application to win in cpu speed.


> Compressing images is useless.

Assuming they're already in a compressed format such as GIF, JPEG, PNG.
Uncompressed formats such as BMP would still benefit, but I wouldn't
expect most folks to be using them in an Internet app!

                - Peter

PS: Beware, my knowledge of the innards of TCP/IP was current some years
ago, and some of the numbers may be off!

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