Sorry for the basic stuff here guys...  I'm a bit under the gun and
haven't found the answer in an admittedly cursory search, so I thought
I'd ask those who know all (that's you ;-)

I've eclipse (3.0) with sysdeo's plugin for tomcat, and tomcat (4.1).
In eclipse/window/preferences/tomcat there's a text box for "Tomcat
home", currently h:\tomcat.  Under tomcat, in advanced, there's a text
box for "Tomcat base", also h:\tomcat.

Is Tomcat home the place tomcat looks for its stuff and Tomcat base
where it looks for applications?  And then where would the HTML/JSP
pages go?

Why do I ask....

Now, with my limited understanding of this stuff, there's a directory
with the java stuff in it, for the application server, a directory for
the HTML and JSP stuff, for the http server, and a directory for the
libraries used to actually run the application server.

When I'd worked with Visual Age for Java, we had the source code in, for
example, C:\project\ etc. and the HTML/JSPs in C:\Program
Files\IBM\...\DEFAULT_HOST\ProjectApp\ etc.  I'm guessing that VAJ's
libraries were also in C:\Program Files\IBM etc.

In support of that, we also have Visual Source Safe pointing to the same
directories, as it contains the Java/HTML/JSP and conf and prop and etc

I'd put Eclipse and Tomcat on C:\tomcat, and had to move it to a network
drive, H:\tomcat. (because of the zips and McAfee)

But, I need to get tomcat to get the Java, HTML and JSPs from the same
place that VSS is pointed at, i.e. back at C:\project and C:\program
files\ibm\etc.  (so as to minimize my straying from the standard ;-)

So what do I set to c:\project and what do I set to C;\program
files\ibm\ etc.?


Thank you
R. Cornell Sternbergh
(717) 787-6760

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