
Not sure about this one. How are you routing requests to Tomcat? Are you using 
the JK connector with a mapping of /*.do? Do you allow image to be handled by 
Apache/IIS or is Tomcat doing it? 
You may need to ensure your static resource uris like images reference the 
context name, e.g src="/unique/images/pic.gif"


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Purcell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 12 August 2005 15:43
> To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
> Subject: Virtual Host Config Question
> Hello,
> I have configured two Hosts in my server.xml for two different sites.
> The one I am having issues with is as follows:
>  <Host name="www.theuniquepear.com" appBase="webapps/unique/"
>        unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
>        xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
>         <Context path="" docBase="." />
> It actuall works well, but I am running "struts" application 
> and with struts it includes the "context" which is "unique".
> So behind the scenes, (in the URL) I am getting something like this:
> http://www.theuniquepear.com/welcome.do
> which is really doing this
> http://www.theuniquepear.com/unique/welcome.do
> And things of course are getting screwed up. 
> Is there a way to get around that. I took off the /unique" 
> under "appBase" but then it showed the default Tomcat page.
> Anyone been here before?
> Thanks
> Scott
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