i got tomcat5, apache1.3 and jk1.2.14. i'm very confused with JkMount. in my http.conf, i have:

<VirtualHost our_server:80>
        ServerName our_server
        DocumentRoot "${tomcat_home}/webapps/test1"
        JkAutoAlias ${tomcat_home}/webapps
        JkMount /test1/* worker1

if i go to http://our_server/test1/, it works. but this is not what i want. i want it to be http://test1.our_server/ instead. i got this:

<VirtualHost our_server:80>
        ServerName test1.our_server
        DocumentRoot "${tomcat_home}/webapps/test1"
        JkMount /* worker1

when i go to http://test1.our_server/, it always displays the default pages under ${tomcat_home}/webapps/ROOT/ instead of ${tomcat_home}/webapps/test1/.

i tried messing with <CONTEXT> in server.xml, JKAutoAlias, etc. couldn't get it to work. very frustrated. pls help.


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