On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Batsheva Raviv wrote:

> Randy, I know of only one archive url:
> http://mikal.org/interests/java/tomcat/index.html
> unfortunate my short experience with this site wasn't so good. Any
> search returns only 20 emails that most of them are not relevant.
> can you post other url?

It's true that while the presence of the archive is nice, it has some
serious limitations in terms of usability and interface.  And that's a
real shame, because it seems like improving the interface is
relatively minor compared to getting the archive up in the first
place.  Is anyone on the list involved with the archive?  Maybe some
effort could be put into improving the interface.  (Although I seem to
recall there's an email address for suggestions on the archive page.)

(I just checked, and actually, there's a web form for feedback, not an
email address specifically.)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randy Layman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 10:30 AM
> Subject: RE: Strange JSP problems with Tomcat
>       This is not a storage error message at all.  A little searching
> through the archives or reading of the installation guide would have saved
> you some time and trouble - your JAVA_HOME is not set correctly.  Some
> people will probably tell you that tools.jar is not in your classpath, but
> this is a side effect of not setting the JAVA_HOME variable correctly. (It
> should point to the JDK's root so that lib\tools.jar is an actual file.
[ ... ]

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Software/Systems Development Group
Computing and Communications Services Office (CCSO)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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