
Getting my application to run requires me to change all sorts of configuration files. Specifically server.xml.

In order to install on a preinstalled tomcat, I need to modify this file. In order to simplify this, I want to automate this (so a script will do it, rather than manually).

Of course I can copy the file to my cvs, modify it and then overwrite the original file wity my copy (by cp from the installation to tomcat directory). However, this means that if the origianl server.xml changes from the time I copied it (user changes, newer versions of tomcat), they are lost.

I was wondering how people are tackeling this. For me, the best thing would be to have a CLI tool where I can tell it to modify the XML by adding nodes inside existing ones (e.g., 'xml_modify add -n Server.GlobalNamingResources -f resource.xml'. where resouce.xml has a definition of a <Resource>). I can use 'patch' of course, but it looks to me it will break easily, and will be tricky to maintain ("grab a server.xml, modify, diff, put the result as server.xml.patch")


Application Team Leader, R&D
Qlusters Inc.
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