Hello guys.

We have the following configuration:

Server 1:   Tomcat 5.5.9
Server 2:   Win 2003 Server + IIS
            Jakarta Isapi Redirector 1.2.14

All client machines uses MS IE6 with activated "integrated windows

Now our problem is, that with active windows authentification the user will
not be "identified" by the server running the IIS and the Isapi Redirector.
The common Windows login window appears, but even when we put in the right
login-data the user can not be logged in. It asks for login data for server
2. Anonymouse access is diabled within the virtual host on the IIS machine.
Integrated windows auth. is enabled.

When turning off that feature in IE6, the login + redirection works ok. But
that's the problem, we need this "integrated windows authentification"
feature enabled for other applications.

We use this code to idetify the user:

Response.Cookies("user").Value = User.Identity.Name
Response.Cookies("authorization").Value = "ntlm"

and then redirect to server 1. Server 1 then uses that cookie to confirm the

Any ideas how to get this working with enabled windows authentification ?

Thanks + regards


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