A lot of custom coding on your own.

You'd need a filter which traps all your precompiled servlet mappings and then checks to see of the jsp the file was mapped to has changed. Then you'd need to somehow manage compiling the JSP and loading the class file while ignoring the existing mapping. In a nutshell ... not pretty.

Or you can have tomcat run in production mode (for the jsp servlet) and all the jsp's get compiled in the background when they are changed. But this relies on jsps NOT being precompiled.


Zachi Hazan wrote:

So, how can I do it with tomcat not "out of the box"?

Tim Funk wrote:

Can't with tomcat out of the box.


Zachi Hazan wrote:

Hi all,
Is there a way to compile precompiled jsp at runtime?
i.e., I want to precompiled my jsp before deployment, but after they are deployed I still want to make changes to the jsps that will take effect immediately. I want to be able to change jsp and see the changes immediately although they are precompiled
Does anyone knows how to do it?

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