If the thing being shared are browser sepefic such as images - I create a new webapp. For example: for all my common images I could create an images webapp.
<Context path="/images" .../>

Then my webapps which refernce those images can link to /images directly (and take it on faith that there is an /images webapp out there) or we could use a configuration directive in case /images was alreaddy taken in which case we could create a webapp called /moreimages. In this case - if your deploying in a file heirarchy and not war files - you can update those images and all is OK.

If you need run time config resources such as XML files or properties files - that is a whole different story. I typically place them in a JAR file is created at build time by a using a build time dependency.


Ritchie Gillam wrote:
In fact that is sort of what I am doing.
 I am creating a new <Context> element for the shared assets but the problem is by putting the 
<Context> element directly in  the server.xml file, I am not longer able to undeploy and redeploy the 
"shared assets application" without restarting the server which is not an option for us 
(According to Tomcat 5.5.7 documentation).  The recommended way from Tomcat Users is to  put the context 
inside of the <app>/META-INF/context.xml file.

So the shared images are being found and rendered but by using the <Content> 
inside of server.xml directly, I am not able to redeploy without restarting the 
server which is even a bigger problem.  This is really the reason I posted the 
question in the first place.

Did you mean you are using another <Content> element to find the shared 
content?  If so, where did you put it.  If not, how are you referencing with a 3rd 
app when it is not a true app but just resources to share?

Appreciate any more advice you can give.

Thanks in advance,

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