Read this thread lately. May be antiResourceLocking is what you are
lokking for. It is an attribute of Context element.

On 9/28/05, Thomas Corte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Pham Tran Quoc Viet wrote:
> > Create x outside of webapps and create a soft link within webapps that
> > points to x.
> > Then, within server.xml add the following lines:
> > <Context docBase="absolute path to x soft link" path="link name"
> > allowLinking="true"/>
> >
> > That's it. Everytime the soft link is hit, tomcat will follow the
> > symbolic link get the appropriate requested file under x.
> Ok, but the tomcat 5 docs say that "allowLinking" should not be set to
> true on Windows systems. Although I'm actually using a Unix flavour as a
> production environment, this would pose problems for our development
> environments which are Windows-based. Apart from that, I dislike
> platform-specific solutions.
> Apart from that, wouldn't the symlinks be deleted when the webapp is
> undeployed by tomcat? And I couldn't "put them" into the war file to
> reappear after re-deployment, could I?
> --
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Anto Paul

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