I have installed the IIS to Tomcat redirector on my windows XP pro machine
and it works great. I took the same steps to install in on a win2k machine
running IIS5.0, and it fails. Both machines have the same tomcat version
(5.5.11) and both are configured identically. Here is the
workers2.properties file
#Look at
#for parameter description

info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess

#info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

# define the worker

# Map webapps to the Web server uri space
I ahve also put the required registry entries in and added the dll as a
filter into IIS - both done on both machines.
All is fine on my machine, but on the win2k machine (with 256 mb memory),
the log file gives the error:

Error [jk_isapi_plugin.c(496)]HttpExtensionPOroc: worker is NULL

I have rebooted both machines, and the filter DOES have an up arrow listed
for its status in both machines.

My question is - What are the ways a "worker is NULL" can occur, and how do
I fix this error???

John McClain
Senior Software Engineer
TCS Healthcare
"Skepticism is the first step toward truth"

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