Saurabh Shukla wrote:

> in your tomcat-apache.conf check the entry for ApJservSecretKey.

It is correct. It says:

> tomcat-apache.conf is generated by tomcat, so a better way is to save
> tomcat-apache.conf with a different name and include it in your
> httpd.conf(apache's configuration file).

That's what I already did before.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anne-Marie Ternes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 6:30 PM
> To: Tomcat Mailing List
> Subject: files included in httpd.conf (problem 1)
> Hi,
> I've got a small problem here concerning which files I have to include
> in the httpd.conf file.
> I thought that the jserv.conf file didn't need to be included any longer
> in httpd.conf. So I only included the tomcat-apache.conf file. If I do
> that, Tomcat starts up allright, but Apache gives me this error during
> startup:
> ----
> You must specify a secret key, or disable this feature.
> To disable, add "ApJServSecretKey DISABLED" to your Apache configuration
> file.
> To use, add "ApJServSecretKey {filename}" where filename is document
> with more or less random contents, and perhaps a few kb in length.
> The Apache JServ documentation explains this in more detail.
> /oas/oashome/Apache/Apache/bin/httpdsctl start: httpd could not be
> started
> ----
> This, although there is a correct line ApJServSecretKey DISABLED in my
> tomcat-apache.conf.
> What do I miss here?
> Then I tried to include both jserv.conf and tomcat-apache.conf, but then
> I get an error of ApJServ directives being defined several times. What I
> did was to copy the tomcat-apache.conf file, cut out its ApJServ
> directives and include that file in httpd.conf. There's no errors
> anymore, but I'm still not sure if Apache really hands servlets and JSP
> over to Tomcat.
> I'm still able to call servlets through the Apache URL (7777), JSPs thru
> Apache don't work anymore. On Tomcat (8080), servlets and JSP work also.
> But I thought that, for example, a servlet called through the standard
> Apache URL should automatically be handed over to Tomcat, which doesn't
> seem to be the case.
> How can I find out if the servlet I see in my browser was handled by
> Tomcat or Apache?
> Thank you to anybody helping me on these configuration issues!
> Anne-Marie
> --
> =====================================
> Anne-Marie Ternes
> Informaticien diplômé
> Centre Informatique de l'Etat
> B.P. 1111
> L-1011 Luxembourg
> Tél: 49 925 642
> =====================================

Anne-Marie Ternes

Informaticien diplômé

Centre Informatique de l'Etat
B.P. 1111
L-1011 Luxembourg

Tél: 49 925 642

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