
I solved my little problem described below, thanks to some messages I found

Three things I got wrong:
- The "B" in "useBean" has to be a capital B...  (arrrgghh)
- The bean classname as well as the file name has to begin with a capital
letter, i.e. DatabaseAccess.java, and class DatabaseAccess
- I've got to put a page import statement into my JSP file:
<%@ page import = "DatabaseAccess" %>

Now this works!


Anne-Marie Ternes wrote:

> Hi again,
> I've written a small JSP here, which calls a simple servletbean through
> <jsp:usebean> tags. The aim is only to play around with the getProperty
> and SetProperty things, and to get jsp and servlet to work together.
> When I try to access the jsp, I get a strange 500 Error.
> This is what I have done.
> - I have added a context to server.xml:
> <Context path="/javaapps"
>                  docBase="/oas/oashome/apps/javaapps"
>                  crossContext="true"
>                  debug="0"
>                  reloadable="true" >
> </Context>
> - I have added the following to my copied-and-cut tomcat-apache file:
> Alias /javaapps "/oas/oashome/apps/javaapps"
> <Directory "/oas/oashome/apps/javaapps">
>     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
> </Directory>
> ApJServMount /javaapps/servlet /javaapps
> <Location "/javaapps/WEB-INF/">
>     AllowOverride None
>     deny from all
> </Location>
> <Location "/javaapps/META-INF/">
>     AllowOverride None
>     deny from all
> </Location>
> -The directory structure:
> Under /oas/oashome/apps/javaapps, I've got a subdirectory "jsp" where my
> "jsp" file is, I've got a subdirectory WEB-INF/classes where my bean is
> located.
> - Both subdirectories are in my profile CLASSPATH, and I checked that
> Tomcat also considers them to be in his classpath
> If it can help you, I can post you the exact error the browser gives me,
> as well as my small JSP and my also small bean. But I didn't know if I
> should post them inline or as attachments?
> I'd be glad if someone could give me a hint on what I'm doing wrong...
> Thanx,
> Anne-Marie
> P.S. "No-bean" JSPs and servlets work fine.
> --
> =====================================
> Anne-Marie Ternes
> Informaticien diplômé
> Centre Informatique de l'Etat
> B.P. 1111
> L-1011 Luxembourg
> Tél: 49 925 642
> =====================================

Anne-Marie Ternes

Informaticien diplômé

Centre Informatique de l'Etat
B.P. 1111
L-1011 Luxembourg

Tél: 49 925 642

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