My problem is:

I need to use the <welcome-file> attribute but in a different way...

Our app. has many folders and I do not want to put an index file in each
of them...
Especially that it has more sub applications so I would need different
index files for different folders... it would be nasty to put one in
each of them and after that, if something changes to change all the
I would like to have some kind of redirection set to some folder levels
(so everything beneath them to call its own index...)
Ok so it's not to clear...? Well... I'll try explaining it a little more
detailed (with some examples)

Lets say the folder structure looks like this:

Main Folder
+----App nr.1
        +-----Folder Level1
                +-----Folder Level2
+----App nr.2
        +-----Folder Level1
                +-----Folder Level2

+----App nr.3
        +-----Folder Level1
                +-----Folder Level2

So I need one index file for the Main Folder, that's easy ... but
everything beneath App nr.1 should go to indexapp nr.1 (and that means
every Folder Level ...1, 2, 3 and so one)
The same goes to App nr.2 everything beneath it should go to indexapp
OK I would manage handling 3,4 index files but not 20-30 (as how many
folders we have...)
I'm not sure if something like this is possible and/or how it's done but
something like: 

"If folder starts whit /app nr.1 go to index nr.1;
 If folder starts whit /app nr.2 go to index nr.2;
                 And so on"

Problem nr. 2:
How can I tell tomcat that I do not want some files (having the same
extension) to be accessible for the end user, those files are actually
.jsp flies used whit <include file> ?

After all these problems I have an Easter egg for the Tomcat Users (if
any one is interested), especially that Easter is close... :) 
We developed a module that supports cgi running under Tomcat.
I say, "We developed it" because we have not found anything like it on
the net...
So if there would be any one interested in it we would appreciate some
feedback so we would optimize and publish the module, at this time it
was tested whit cgis from Crystal Reports.


Ps: sorry for my poor English...

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