
I'm trying to make a PoolMan 1.4.1 datasource available through JNDI. I can 
get PoolMan working without trying to make a datasource (for example, the 
PoolManServlet works just fine...)

I have PoolMan 1.4.1 working with Postgresql 7.0.3 and Tomcat 3.2.1 / Apache 
runing on Linux.

My problem comes when I try to deploy a datasource to JNDI--this is 
*probably* more of a JNDI problem/misunderstanding than a PoolMan issue.

When I use the DeployDatasource Tool provided with the PoolMan software, I 
can deploy a datasource and retrieve it/use it from another stand-alone 
program run with the same security policy.  I'm using the sample security 
policy that comes with PoolMan 1.4.1

However, when I try to retrieve it from Tomcat, it fails with a Access 
exception--I believe that JNDI doesn't think Tomcat is allowed to access 
that resource...

If I try to deploy the datasource with the tomcat.policy security policy 
(using DeployDataSource), it fails immediately--invalid access.

Strangely, if I write a servlet that tries to deploy the datasource (using 
code cribbed from DeployDataSource), I get a "poolman.props file not found" 
error--it can find it fine when I'm trying to run it straight.

Any suggestions? Any ideas? Thanks,


PS: My attempts to get PoolMan 2.0 Beta working were total failures--I 
couldn't even get the basic stand-alone programs to work.
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