Okay - please will somebody spot the obvious mistake for me - I cant see it
The servlet is called newlist
1) Mailman starts and give the following
2001-04-22 03:00:54 - Ctx( /mailadmin/servlet ): XmlReader - init  /mailadmin/servlet /www/listserv/mailadmin
2001-04-22 03:00:54 - Ctx( /mailadmin/servlet ): Reading /www/listserv/mailadmin/WEB-INF/web.xml
2001-04-22 03:00:54 - Ctx( /mailadmin/servlet ): Loading -2147483646 newlist
2001-04-22 03:00:54 - Ctx( /mailadmin/servlet ): Loading -2147483646 jsp
Si it finds the class ok.
2) I have setup the alias in httpd.conf as
Alias /mailadmin "/www/listserv"
<Directory "/www/listserv">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
ApJServMount /mailadmin/servlet /mailadmin
<Location "/mailadmin/WEB-INF/">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all
Apache starts ok.
3) Servlet is in "/www/listserv/mailadmin/WEB-INF/net/stusoft/newlist.class"
4) tomcat server.xml is:
        <Context path="/mailadmin/servlet"
                 trusted="true" >
5) "/www/listserv/mailadmin/WEB-INF/web.xml is:
When I try and access the page using http:/www/mailadmin/servlet/newlist - it does not find it.
It is being called from a jsp as www/mailadmin/test.jsp which submits a form with action = "servlet/newlist"
Bypassing apache and using port 8080 also gives the same result.
Ideas anyone ?
I am off to drown my sorrows in beer !!

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