More information is needed if anyone is to help you.

The documentation in the tomcat download is very good.  Tomcat works well
with Windows 2000 and IIS and many other operating systems.  Tomcat is 100%

If you haven't found the documentation it is in the doc directory.  Print it
out and follow it explicitly. (print out the documentation, use a pencil to
mark your steps.) If you have problems relay the steps you have taken and
what error messages you are getting. The more detail the better.


-----Original Message-----
From: test test [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2001 5:00 PM
Subject: FW: Tomcat & Windows 2000

>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         test test
> Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2001 15:45
> Subject:      Tomcat  & Windows 2000
> hello
> Can anybody please tell me how I can get Tomcat to work with Windows 2000
> (using IIS web server).
> I have searched the user archives - similar questions have been raised but
> I can't see the answers.
> Please help
> Many thanks
> Hamant

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