Hi, Anil

The JkExtractSSL directive can be found in the file tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto which is a file that is automatically generated (or overwritten, if it already exists) by Tomcat upon startup.  However, in the automatically generated file, the SSL directives are commented out, so you will need to create your own mod_jk.conf file.  You can use mod_jk.conf-auto as a starting point for your customizations.  You should then Include your customized file somewhere in httpd.conf

Noel Lecaros

Noone Anil Kumar wrote:


I am configuring appache to support SSL with the help of

http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat/src/doc/tomcat-ssl-howto.html .

But where in,  the section :

Tomcat with Apache and mod_jk

started with

If you use Apache with SSL (apache-ssl or apache-mod_ssl), the apache connector mod_jk will be able to forward to tomcat some SSL informations if
JkExtractSSL directive is present in your httpd.conf.

But i don't see JkExtractSSL in httpd.conf ;

How should i go for it ???

Any help appreciated in configuring Apache 1.3.14 + Tomcat 3.1 on WinNT  for SSL ..

Thanks in advance,

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