Unfortunatley you cannot change this file. It would be nice if the contents of this file were based partyl on some meta file so you could change stuff like this, or for example which prootocl to use for the apache/tomcat connection.
If you want to change this file just paste its contents into your httpd.conf. I'd surround the block with some comments so its easy to find again.
If you create new contexts in tomcat you can then paste the new sections from the mod_jk.conf-auto into httpd.conf
----- Original Message -----
From: Chonsiu208
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 8:59 AM
Subject: Problem at mod_jk.conf-auto

hi there,
Does anybody know how to change the configuration of mod_jk.confg-auto ? I want to instruct Apache to load the jk module from location other than the default libexec/mod_jk.so.

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