If you are using an applet (as in code that runs on the client
computer) then the class files of the driver must be downloadable by the
client.  The client can never see anything outside of your webapp directory.
Therefore, unjar the jar file into
C:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps\examples\jsp\student (this is why you
are getting 404 errors for a directory listing of /jsp/student/org/gjt/.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dana Marcusanu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 8:52 AM
> Subject: database applets in Tomcat
> This is a repost. I did not get any answer so far. I just 
> want to specify
> that I am using mm.mysql driver (2.0.4). Can someone help me? 
> I don't know
> why is looking for the database driver in the applet directory. Is it
> because of the security of applets? What rights should I give to the
> applet?
>  I am using Tomcat version 3.2.1. I am trying to connect to a 
> data base
>  from an applet and I am getting the following error: 
>  2001-04-22 05:41:00 - Ctx( /examples ): 404 R( /examples +
>  /jsp/student/org/gjt/
>  mm/mysql/Driver.class + null) null
>  My driver is in: C:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\lib
>  My applet is in:
>  C:\tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps\examples\jsp\student
>  What can I do to connect the database from the applet? Should I give
>  some
>  permissions? 
>  Thanks, Dana Marcusanu
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