Jakob Praher typed the following on 08:19 PM 4/28/2001 +0200
>can anybody tell me, whether persistent Session-Storage will be implemented
>before the release of tomcat-4.0?

It is implemented in the current CVS repository, so should show up in the
next beta (not sure when that will be). You can get it from CVS - it's not
implemented by default though, you'll have to look through the server.xml
and configure it.

>somewhere I read that one versoin uses javaspaces technology as persistence
>model - can anybody give me some information about that?

This hasn't been implemented - currently we have file and JDBC based
session persistence. Javaspaces would be useful for an implementation
of distributed sessions, but wouldn't make much sense for single-JVM 

>are there any source-files in the current source tree?

Yes, see org/apache/catalina/session/*.java


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