
Those are similar numbers to what I have been getting on Intel platforms
with Tomcat3.2.1.  You can boost Tomcat to about 90 pages per second using
ajp13, mod_jk, and reducing the log level to warn rather then info. (of
course your Servlet code makes a difference) There is actually a bug in the
logging with Tomcat 3.2.1 -- info actually gives you debug log level.
According to GOMEZ the ajp13 connector is not fully optimized and mod_jk is
still unfinished.  Apache's performance can be boosted by limiting the
modules that you use and reducing log levels as well.  Interestingly, I was
testing a servlet which displayed date, session variables, and generated a
random password and clocked in at about 88 pages per second with mod_jk.
When I direct connected to Tomcat I was able to get 463 pages per second
with no errors so there is allot of potential there. I was able to top out
at 1107 pages per second on that servlet with Resin. Consider your
bandwidth, of course, 50-60 pages per second can easily overwhelm a T1 line.
Indeed with a standard 45k+ page you would be lucky to anywhere near 25.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: Tomcat Performance..

Kief Morris wrote:
> It sounds like you tested Tomcat on an HP, and Tomcat on an x86 with
> Solaris 8, vs. iPlanet on an Ultra running Solaris 2.6. You are then
> that the difference in performance is entirely due to the servlet engine?
> Have you tried testing Tomcat vs. iPlanet on *identical* hardware/OS
> platforms?

  Well, alas I haven't been able to talk the iPlanet folks into building
iWS for me on Solaris x86 yet so I can't test it that way. In testing
just straight normal everyday static HTML serving between Apache and
iPlanet between the two platforms I get a more expected performance
difference. Where the iWS server can spit back something like 200
requests per second and the Apache server can spit back 170 requests per
second. That would be what I expect. I've got a couple of other projects
I've got to get done here today and then I was planning on building the
Apache/Tomcat setup over on the Ultra 60 to see if the performance
numbers are still skewed as much on the same platform.

Steve Brunton   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Phone: 404-827-2756
Chief Engineer Enterprise Systems    One CNN Center, Atlanta GA
CNN Internet Technologies          ICBM: 84W 23' 45" 33N 45' 29"
<*> There's too much blood in my alcohol system. <*>

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