So I have been experimenting with this JDBCRealm stuff and can't seem to make it ask me for a user name and password.
in the server.xml is..
<RequestInterceptor className="org.apache.tomcat.request.JDBCRealm" debug="99" 
userTable="Users" userNameCol="UserName" userCredCol="PassWord"
userRoleTable="UserRoles" roleNameCol="RoleName" />
in the examples web.xml is...
         <web-resource-name>Protected Area</web-resource-name>
  <!-- Define the context-relative URL(s) to be protected -->
  <!-- If you list http methods, only those methods are protected -->
         <!-- Anyone with one of the listed roles may access this area -->
    <!-- Default login configuration uses BASIC authentication -->
      <realm-name>Example Basic Authentication Area</realm-name>
Shouldn't all this require the server to ask me for a password before I can use any of my servlets or am I missing something here?

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