Hi All,

I am using poolman 2.1 for connection pooling. The connection pooling 
seems to be working fine, but the only problem I seem to be having is 
that my total connections grow very rapidly. And also the connections 
used grow at the same pace. I always have 1 or 2 connections available. 
Could anyone tell me the possible reason for that. Here is my poolman.xml



<!-- ============================== -->
<!-- Physical Connection Attributes -->
<!-- ============================== -->

<!-- Standard JDBC Driver info -->


<!-- <driver>com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver</driver> -->

<!-- If the following element is set to true, then PoolMan's -->
<!-- scrollable/updatable ResultSet will not be used, and the -->
<!-- underlying driver's ResultSet will be used instead. This -->
<!-- provides a performance gain in certain rare instances at -->
<!-- the expense of functionality. -->
<!-- DEFAULT: false -->

<!-- ======================== -->
<!-- Pool Behavior Attributes -->
<!-- ======================== -->

<!-- Connections created when the pool is instantiated -->
<!-- DEFAULT: 1 -->

<!-- The pool will never shrink below this number -->
<!-- DEFAULT: 0 -->

<!-- The pool will never grow larger than this value -->

<!-- The connection will be destroyed after living for a -->
<!-- duration of this value. IN SECONDS. -->
<!-- DEFAULT: 1200 (20 minutes) -->

<!-- A user will lose a Connection and it will automatically -->
<!-- return to its pool after the duration greater than or -->
<!-- equal to this value. IN SECONDS. -->
<!-- DEFAULT: 20 -->

<!-- How frequently each object's connection timeout and -->
<!-- user timeout values will be examined for collection. -->
<!-- IN SECONDS. -->
<!-- DEFAULT: 660 (11 minutes) -->

<!-- Each time the pool is sized down, how many connections -->
<!-- should be removed from it? This value prevents backing -->
<!-- off the pool too quickly. -->

<!-- Where should log and debug information be printed? -->
<!-- DEFAULT: System.out -->

<!-- If set to true, the logger will display verbose info -->
<!-- DEFAULT: false -->

<!-- XA Connection Attributes -->

<!-- Query Cache Attributes-->

<!-- If enabled, queries will be cached. The cache is -->
<!-- asynchronously updated in the background. -->
<!-- DEFAULT: false -->

<!-- The maximum number of query/ResultSet pairs the -->
<!-- cache can contain. -->
<!-- DEFAULT: 5 -->

<!-- How long the cache waits before re-loading its -->
<!-- ResultSets from the underlying database. -->
<!-- IN SECONDS. -->
<!-- DEFAULT: 30 -->

<!-- A SQL statement to be executed when the pool is created.-->
<!-- DEFAULT: none -->
insert into users values(32, 'xml')


Can someone tell me if I am doing anything wrong in this... or I have to 
set some other parameters.

Also, when the total connection objects become high... I start getting 
lots of Arrayindexoutofbounds exception. I have to cycle my server to 
avoid getting these errors.

Thanks and Regards


Manish Poddar
310-827-5880 x 327
818-415-7447 (m)

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